Organic Farmer Markets
Fred was co-founder of the national Platform for Organic Farmer Markets. The Platform established weekly organic farmer markets in 34 municipalities in the Netherlands (1993 - 2001). At these markets the farmers, and other producers of organic groceries, offer their fresh products directly to the consumer, that is without interference of wholesale or retail companies. Fred ended his period with the Platform (2001) by writing a book on supply & demand of organic products in the Netherlands, and how to develop and establish organic markets. (See Picture). Organic Farmer markets are still being established all over the country, as independent weekly markets as well as part of the regular weekly markets.
Jeep ter Heide, founder of Organic Food Chain De Pompoen and the national Platform for Organic Farmer Markets: "Fred is a critical personality and very pleasant to work with. A great project manager with roots in the political activist movement in Amsterdam during the eighties."