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Micro Finance and Tsunami Projects in Atjeh, Indonesia

    After the tsunami of Christmas 2004, the Foundation Reconstruction Atjeh (Stichting Wederopbouw Atjeh, city of Deventer) requested Fred to work out and establish several programs for the victims in district Lhok Nga. This resulted in Micro Finance for more than 300 Tsunami-widows to set up small businesses, building projects (school, small local hospital, mosk, offices, playground for children), and social programs (such as computer education and schoolbooks, issuing new birth certificates that got lost in the tsunami, and  workshops for desa-leaders who had to replace the drowned leaders). Fred's grandfather was from 1920 till 1931 the leader in the same district Lhok Nga were all the  tsunami projects were implemented.


    Ad van der Kreeft, treasurer Wederopbouw Atjeh: "Fred worked out and implemented all our intended objectives, and even realised more projects than we had in mind when we started all this. Especially the implementation of the Micro Finance program for more than 300 tsunami widows turned out to be impressive. His personal contribution on location in Atjeh was essential to successfully finish our activities in Atjeh."